Girly mix 2

Girly mix is a dance class with a feminine touch. 
Girly is, as the word itself indicates, a very feminine style (but not only for women!). Through exercises, choreo's, freestyle you get to know your body and use it in a feminine and/or sexy way. Think especially of the hips and a feminine posture / attitude. But this can also be subtly present, so it is not necessarily over the top sexy. Within the style girly there can be different dance styles. So now and then there will definitely be a touch of dancehall, vogue, wacking, hip-hop, and so on. There will also be different ways to dance girly. One week it will be a very commercial choreo and you will have the feeling that you are dancing behind Beyoncé, the other week a very soft choreo with subtle sensual elements or a very explosive choreo with a lot of groundwork. So you see, girly you can dance in many ways and it certainly doesn't get monotonous! And don't forget the fun, feminine music! So, are you ready to dance like a real woman? 






60 MIN


sports outfit


  • Account required
  • No use of cellphone during class
  • No filming (privacy) during class
  • No pictures (privacy) during class
  • Use of cafetaria is obligated


  • There is no obligated uniform.
  • Please make sure that your outfit is a comfortable sports
  • Gym shoes are required